On Tuesday Oliver had his 6 week checkup. Let's get straight to the stats.
10 lbs. 5 oz. = 38th % in weight
23 in. = 75th % in height
14.7 in. = 14% in head circumference (The small head trend continues.)
So, now that O is over 10 lbs. we are told he should be sleeping longer at night. That must not just be a wives' tale, because he has slept for 5 + hours a few times in the past week! Hooray!
One other note on the doctor: She gave Oliver a prescription for some baby Zantac, as we think he may have some acid reflux going on. A cute baby he is, but a happy one, well, not so much all of the time. We have everything crossed that one can cross that he will feel better and more content very, very, very soon! I would like to retire the nickname "Spit Up King".
Here are some Week 7-ish pics. Oliver loves his ocean-themed activity mat. He is quite the exerciser, kicking his legs and swinging his arms for close to an hour at a time!
IHGB #366: Hallmark Christmas Movie Reviews
3 days ago