Was this week was the longest week ever on record for anyone else? No? Just me, eh. I know in the grand scheme of things, it's merely a blip on the radar, but my lord, if I watch any more HGTV, I am going to snap and end up rearranging all of the furniture, repainting all the rooms (and ceilings, for a more cozy and intimate feel), and covering our fireplace mantel using the newest trend in faux Venetian plastering!!!
35 Weeks
Good news from the Doctor. If my appointment and check go well this next week (read: No extreme dilation), then I can be downgraded (or would it be upgraded?) from the strictest level of bed rest and I should be able to resume a touch more activity. Like, I may actually get to leave my house every once in a while to go somewhere other than the doctor, such as the grocery store (for when I run out of Blue Bell cookies-n-cream), or the post office. These places never sounded so fun and exotic before! Now don't go thinking such crazy thoughts as I might go back to work. According to Doctor, we are still aiming for "low stress", and right before line review meetings at PSS would not qualify as such. Really. Seriously. I'm not making this up. Doctor's orders.
Who wouldn't want to hang in this crib?
I leave you with a couple of pics of the nursery, which is pretty much done, save for just a couple of wall hangings. Sure hope Oliver likes it, as he will have no say in his room decor for at least the next 5 years. :)
Bachelor Grant Recap: You Mess With the Bull
2 days ago
Yea! Looking forward to seeing you a little more! And I love the room!